Whither Thou


Whither Thou


Whither thou goest, Lady?

Thy trials are just begun,

Is sweet Liberty on the run?

Whither thou goest,

Thy work is not yet done!


Whither thy champions, Lady?

They seem so slow to rise,

Have they all but closed their eyes?

Whither thy champions,

They must answer your cries!


Whither thou courage, Lady?

Hast thee closed thy hand,

Hast thee lost this land,

Whither thy courage,

Thee must now make thy stand!


Whither thy children, Lady?

They cry out in deepening night,

They seek your flame and its light,

Whither thy children,

Do not abandon the fight!


Whither thy ire, Lady?

Thy creed is tossed away,

Thy care has been betrayed,

Whither thy ire,

Once more thee must seize the day!


Whither thou goest, Lady?

The trials are never done,

Liberty walks but never runs!

Whither thou goest,

This fight has just begun!


Whither thy Declaration, Lady?

Whither the daring deeds?

Whither thy people’s needs?

Whither thy Declaration,

Whither freedom’s seeds?


Cliff Lake 2/1/2025

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2025


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