One Thousand Horsemen


One Thousand Horsemen


The call of an ally,

A friend of old:

“We ask your aid!

Will you be bold?”


“Ancient terrors,

Assail once more!

Will you honor

The oaths we swore?”


One thousand horsemen answer the call,

 One thousand horsemen riding tall.

One thousand horsemen, they prepare.

One thousand horsemen, forth they fare.


“We have no word,

Are we not heard?

Are we forgot?

Do you come not?”


“The terror hails,

Our people quail!

We are beset,

Will you come yet?”


One thousand horsemen upon the hill,

One thousand horsemen, duty they fill.

One thousand horsemen make the climb.

One thousand horsemen, are they in time?


“What do we hear?

Is succor near?

Have you arrived?

Will we survive?”


“Hail faithful friend!

Fear not an end!

Our hope has come,

Sound the war drum!”


One thousand horsemen, banners raised!

One thousand horsemen, unafraid!

One thousand horsemen, charging in!

One thousand horsemen, war begins.


Cliff Lake 8/22/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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