



From odd places an off wind blows,

From a bizarre cyclone the strangeness flows,

From turbulent pasts some illness thrown,

Seeds of interruption in the present sown.


Sudden slides, curves of unreason known,

Hapless ends on the wings of illogic grown.

What do these meritless finalities bode?

There is being ciphered a wrong timecode.


From whence comes all this uneven tension?

Who’s jammed the switch and is gunning the engine?

Madmen in the control room have thrown away the manual,

Punched all the buttons and broken the handle!


Imps and imposters granted unearned access,

Existence ever eternally going trackless.

Pilotless truck gone amok, dials on overload.

Inanity track, no looking back, unwriting the timecode.


Dreams unseamed, nightmares in every pocket,

Raised hairs, new scares, and no way to stop it.

How will we survive sane enough to tell the tale,

On a runaway train riding a broken rail.


On whom was such power bestowed?

Why have our lives been so helplessly Poe’d?

Why would our timeline they want to corrode?

They’re busy unsaning the living timecode.


Cliff Lake 2/17/2025

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2025


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