Ancient account,
Mythos proclaimed,
The records were broken,
The pieces scattered.
Fragments found and
Misread and
Misunderstood and
Guidelines against disaster
Not prophecies but
Warnings of mistakes,
Of reaching too far,
Too fast,
Too willingly.
Do you find them too cryptic,
Or is that what you’re told?
O Alexandria!
O Teotihuacan!
We stumble through Göbekli Tepe,
We wander Giza,
We wonder in the Betatakin Cliffs,
Mighty and wise,
Once powerful,
Now fallen,
Burned, or abandoned.
What secrets your people held,
We can only guess,
Taken to the grave,
And gone.
If you could see us now,
Would you warn us of our danger?
Would we listen?
Do we ever?
Or are the warnings understood,
And hidden,
To make the future irrevocable.
Or is disaster upon us already,
And awaits the final push?
Do we want to know the answer?
Cliff Lake 2/16/2025
Copyright © Clifford Lake 2025