



When is the end?

When is the end for you?

Do some of us die when we finally confess all our sins?

Do some die when they can sin no more?

At the end,

Which of those matter?

Entropy is forever.

All things speed toward their final dissolution.

Do you think to slow-walk life?

Every of your moments passes immediate,

Even a photograph fades.

Memory may do so faster,

Or live so closely to your now

That you do not see the opportunities

For what they are.

Every day is another one where you might change everything.

There is no knowing whether that will be so,

Or will not.

There is no knowing that you will continue,

Or that you will not.

Entropy is forever.

It is behind you chasing,

It is before you waiting.

Inescapable as the march of time,

Universal and pervasive.

Do you wish to slow the day?

Then take notice of the little things:

Every instant contains its detail,

Every minute its small story.

Let these fill you,

Scents, sights, sighs, scolds,

Points of interest and of focus,

And each with its message,

Though you may have heard it before.

Life is too short not to see

What may be seen,

To fail to hear,

To ignore all the things.

Entropy is forever.

Get used to the idea,

So that you may experience fully

What is given to you now.

Look around,

Things are happening every moment,

And sometimes,

Just seeing,

Is all the experience you need.

Entropy is forever,

Live now,


That’s all we have anyway.


Cliff Lake 1/6/2025

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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