A Tree, A Flower, A Dream


A Tree, A Flower, A Dream


Once a tree topped a mighty mountain,

And the people looked to it daily –

A symbol to them of resolve

Renewed each spring.

But storms arose, and great fires,

And from afar this oak was occluded,

Until it could barely be seen at all.

Then they wondered

Had there been a tree at all?


Once a field was full of flowers,

And the people looked to it gladly –

Its scents and colors most miraculous

A symbol to them of beauty and amaze.

But cities arose, and many constructions,

And all too near the earth was covered,

Until it could barely be seen at all.

Then they wondered

Had there been any flowers at all?


Once a man woke to his life daily,

And he met his challenges fully –

And opened his eyes every morning willingly,

Resolved to meet each day.

But age crept up, and weakened him eventually,

And he could not forestall the end.

As he closed his eyes for the long sleep

He wondered

Had he ever been awake at all?


Cliff Lake 1/20/2025

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2025


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