Mending Moon


Mending Moon


The man peered at the dark sky

To see the other side of night.

A man so lonely

He could no longer perceive the light.


But the moon was there,

And she would know his plight.

As he stared blindly,

She sorrowed at the sight.


So, she bathed him all in silver,

That she may make his darkness bright.

And so, he sat in alabaster,

And wondered at a world gone so white.


But the moon said nothing,

And nightly continued her flight.

So, this man found surprising comfort

In the midst of dark and blight.


Now the man can travel once more in day,

And marvels that things sometime had gone right.

And the moon smiles to herself,

And nightly shines on him with all her might.


Cliff Lake 12/20/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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