



The dirty players,

The money lords,

The mediocre,

The small,

The grovelers and the mean,

They are risen.

They have been set in high places,

As rulers,

Or enforcers of rule,

Or as takers of things

They will not use themselves.

Malingerers and petty in spirit,

They will force strange and malignant orders,

They will harbor resentment toward the just,

The artful,

And the innocent,

For they are none of these things,

And cannot be,

For they are poor in mind,

And empty in their souls.

They are hateful for less reason

Than it takes to draw a breath,

And they would have even that

Were it possible.

It is these that have been placed above you,

Though they are the lowest of vermin,

Unclean in every inch of their being,

Unworthy of anything

But the basest existence,

And they know it.

Therefore, they oppress,

They deny,

They subjugate all not of their kind,

And in so doing,

Disguise their inadequacy behind title,

And corrupted power.

They have failed at humanity,

And will fail humanity,

If we let them.

If we let them…


Cliff Lake 12/16/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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