Good Talk


Good Talk


I take my little worries

And lay them out for all to see,

But I do not listen in return:

Those people aren’t me.

There are many inconveniences,

That I must talk about,

And that I find them most concerning,

I will leave hardly any doubt.

Listen close and don't interrupt

And yes, you may have concerns of your own,

But you’ll have to wait this out

Until mine are completely overblown.

You see, my life is a tad boring,

It’s lacking in any real drama,

So, before we hear your sad little tale,

Let me relate my ten-dollar trauma.

It’s horrific and as detailed as you can imagine,

Be a pal and keep yours to yourself,

Because I’m counting on draining your compassion.

There was the parking lot incident,

And there was a rude cashier,

And some loud children playing,

And I’ve had it up to here!

My favorite soda is in short supply,

And Amazon is late,

And someone left the milk out again,

And overall, I’m not feeling great.

But that’s enough about me, right?

You’ve gone quiet, nothing left to say?

It seemed like you might say something,

Probably not important – so anyway…


Cliff Lake 12/5/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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