Evil Rides


Evil Rides


The Prophecy comes around again:

The dire warning from the other When.

Something emerges from its den,

The Prophecy has returned to men.


Evil tides not turned aside,

The Horsemen will begin their ride,

Long ago there was confide:

Evil will be freely plied.

Woe to those who will not hear!

Evil rides and has come near!

Woe to those who cower in fear!

We must stand brothers, for what is dear!


The Prophecy comes around again:

The dire warning from the other When.

No longer in gutters it resides:

It’s mounted up and Evil rides!


Hear the wailing as Evil moves!

Goodness and Hope crushed under cruel hooves!

Will you willingly accept the noose?

Is it despair that you would choose?

Bend not the knee to the uncouth!

You have a sword: it is called Truth!

Fear not the poison monied tooth,

You hear the words, now bear their proof!


No longer in back rooms its time it bides,

It’s mounted up and Evil rides!

Something emerges from its den,

The Prophecy has returned to men!


The Prophecy comes around again:

The dire warning from the other When.

Something emerges from its den,

This will not be our amen!


Cliff Lake 12/19/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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