An Ode to the Notes


An Ode to the Notes


Music plays my day,

Music dreams my night.

Do you not know?

Every note is a miracle!

Precise and evocative,

A progression of reverie,

A background in trance,

Fantasy made concrete in sound!

Is it no wonder that your head nods?

The imperative speaking to your body,

The groove to your soul!

Music speaks

What we cannot say for ourselves,

Music moves us when we cannot stand.

It dances in our ears,

It pounds in our chests,

And we sway unknowing,


A freedom granted

By little else in this existence.

Close your eyes,

Feel it carry you beyond,

Beyond worry,

Beyond fear,

Beyond strife,

Beyond yourself.

How lucky the musician!

They live inside the melody,

Transported to realms they create,

And they carry us along,

And feel no weight.

Music plays my day,

Music dreams my night,

And takes me to better places,

Than I could find on my own.

If there is magic,

It is found within the notes we hear,

Within the melodies played,

And may be the cure

We have all been seeking.

Music plays my day…

And will dream tonight…


Cliff Lake 12/21/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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