



Here we are again: a crossroads unseen,

What went wrong; confusion descends.

Too many reasons for what should not have been,

Still, we have yet to see how this all ends.


Why do you wallow in uncertainty,

The future was never yours to portend.

Why cling to failed earnesty,

There is still the message to send.


Take up your burden, our work is not done.

Though it may seem your back will no more bend,

The hardest task is only begun,

And we will gain strength they did not intend.


Put aside sorrow, but remember the tears,

Support your neighbor, a stalwart friend!

We have resolve, they, only fears,

And we on each other will always depend.


Therefore, no longer fall to despair,

And do not in anger your energies expend.

Lift up that head, get your shoulders square!

We have many to assist, and more to defend.


Shoulders to the harness now, there’s a long road ahead,

And many bruised sensibilities to tend.

And we must now guide the sorrowing misled,

And set our sights on the summit we must ascend.


It is in the darkest hour the brightest stars appear,

Against the dark, they willingly contend.

Be the light now, and shine out clear!

And seek out others, that our hearts may mend.


Cliff Lake 11/12/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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