



The sun pales.

Its thinning ray illumes,

But no longer warms.

Darkness comes soon:

Cold reality.

Now do the wolves hunt.

Beware thou weak! Thou tired!

Beware thou disheartened!

For the pack is set loose,

And they are among us.

Who would choose this dire?

Who has forgotten your need?

Would-be wolves,

Carrion eaters,

Willfully seeking scraps,

Thinking they will feast

From a repast

They will never join.

No wolves these!

No better than junkyard dogs,

Nipping and biting each the other.

Or laughing hyenas,

Waiting for their share of a kill

They could not make for themselves.

Bottom-feeders all,

Hustling dry bones

In the gray light

They wanted so badly

Thinking to feign larger teeth

Than they will ever possess.

But the sun may thin,

Yet it still shines,

And we see the jackals,

As clearly as we ever have,

And know where the wolves may be found.

The sun pales,

But the darkness is not complete,

And we know where the wolves may be found.


Cliff Lake 11/11/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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