20 Million Nothings - An Ode to Irresponsibility

20 Million Nothings – An Ode to Irresponsibility


The easy decision:

Do nothing,

Make no choice,

Sit it out,

And remain blameless.

Such pretty lack of compassion!

You have no responsibility to others,

They make their own choices –

Except when those choices are beyond their control.

2025 is here,

And you helped to bring it.

NO! I will not tolerate your dissemble!

To wit:

You have abandoned the care of the needy,

The elderly,

And those that cannot care for themselves.

But really, is that your fault?

What responsibility have you to they?

Remember: you did nothing,

 That was the choice,

To choose…


And if the many are moved off this land,

And the lettuce and the melons rot in the fields,

Will you choose to dirty your hands?

Or will you choose as you have:

To do nothing.

That way it will still remain

Not your fault, right?


And when the raped child carries her child to term,

You remain blameless,

For you chose nothing,

Haven’t you?

Can you speak to the mother

Dying in a parking lot

Because some other person has decided her fate?

Will you say nothing?

You 20 million,

When I in my failing years

Cannot obtain care

Or even food,

I hope you are with me,

And listening intently,

As my last gasps

Speak the words you need to hear:

“Don’t worry,

It’s nothing.”


Cliff Lake 11/6/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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