Small Hours


Small Hours


Sometimes when night passes into early morning hours,

Sometimes when the moon is right, honesty gains power.

Memories can come calling across the decades,

And I am exposed to the mistakes I have made.


In the brittle AM, my sins can be laid bare,

Remembering a youth when life was a dare.

Living my life as some action-man had done,

Now I wonder who paid the cost of that fun?


I’ve held all the wrong heroes,

Across all of my times.

False-facing mirrors,

Absolving my crimes.

Do I speak my mad sorrows

Into the night?

Or keep on riding

Imagined flight?


Do I keep on pretending to accolades earned?

Do I forego pride for humbling lessons learned?

Do I keep on careening on the cinema ride?

Do I accept some regret must pierce my hide?


I’ve held all the wrong heroes,

Across all of my times.

False-facing mirrors,

Absolving my crimes.

Do I speak my mad sorrows

Into the night?

Or keep on riding

Imagined flight?


Cliff Lake 10/27/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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