



It has the feel of imminent disaster,

A coruscation of calamity

As the clock ticks.

Momentous catastrophe offered,

And never withheld,

Especially when refused.


There is the sense of a ferocious humor,

Taking its amusement in rampage,

A satisfaction only gleaned

From the crimson rivulet,

A monstrous glee lasting only instants,

Before demanding satisfaction anew.


It lays claim to wherever it roams,

Providing horror in lieu of proof.

Its savage delights surface in nightmare,

The gibbering giggles and cold cackles

Follow from dreamscape,

To landscape,

Without escape.


You would suspect your lunacy

If you did not spy its smile

Behind publicized opinion.

There it dwells,

The cruel jests in corrupted media,

Told by comedic counsel,

With sharpened teeth,

And the splitted tongue.


Watch them guffaw for you,

As the laughter never reaches the eyes –

For they too are chained to the terror,

They would invoke.

Their grisly ends are writ

Into the very words they parrot.

Their escape was never promised,

And shall not be given.


Bear up, children!

For this truth is also inescapable:

The night is always followed by day,

The winter followed by spring,

And nightmare is followed by waking.

Dawn is before us,

And none too soon.

Let us bring the dawn,

We will bring the dawn.


Cliff Lake 10/10/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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