Begin the End


Begin the End


November skies graying into view,

Ragged clouds and sun flickering over you,

The wind sharpening, blowing through,

Winter’s bleak taking its cue.


Harvests nearly all collected,

Mowers put away, standing neglected,

Torsos become sweater protected,

Boots in the hallway for weather expected.


Kitchens smelling strongly of spice,

Diets forgone for an extra slice,

Small extravagances well worth the price,

Children observing the list is checked twice.


Candy hoards suffer regular raid,

Thick cobwebs cleverly arrayed,

Popup frights hidden in shade,

In preparation for ghoulish charade.


Cooling air and curling mist,

Awaken the temporary occultist,

Black clothing on the shortlist,

A last fling immodest.


Which party to attend?

Which costuming is this year’s trend?

How will you this year unbend?

How do you welcome October’s end?


The beginning of the end of the year,

The beginning of the holiday cheer.

Time to get the shopping in gear,

The holiday season is here.


Cliff Lake 10/29/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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