Ride of the 40 Thieves

Ride of the 40 Thieves


40 thieves taking measure,

40 thieves taking treasure.

40 thieves riding forth,

40 thieves riding north.


The legend had been spoken many times,

In beggar's tales and minstrel rhymes.

A hoard fantastic and grand,

A hoard not meant for mortal man.


To the Guild came the wizard man,

To them he brought map and plan.

To the northern hills they should go,

If riches unfathomed they would know.


40 thieves taking measure,

40 thieves seeking treasure.

40 thieves riding forth,

40 thieves headed north.


The wizard was a being of caution,

Nightly he rode them to exhaustion.

And kept the map most safely hid,

And slept with a half-open lid.


But the thieves had their own design,

And made plan through secret sign.

Studied the map two-by-two

One to read and cohort tattoo.


40 thieves taking glances

40 thieves making chances.

40 thieves riding forth,

40 thieves faring north.


They came at last unto the hills,

There the wizard worked his will:

Some rode over steep ravine,

Some rode into bog and were never seen.


Some were lost to forest deep,

The last never woke from sleep.

The wizard had then fulfilled the task,

That his king and brother asked.


40 thieves riding forth,

40 thieves riding north.

40 thieves riding astray,

40 thieves rode away.


Cliff Lake 8/3/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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