



We picked it without a second thought,

Orange flower burning hot.

Destructor when gets out of hand,

Destructor in the hands of Man.

To tame it we do aspire,

Or see it climbing ever higher…

Have we too long worshipped this pyre?

We’ve finally set our world on fire.


Fire, fire, burning clean,

Fire consuming what has been.

Fire will play out its part,

Fires we should never start.


The heat is rising from our blazes,

The heat is feeding all our crazes.

Fires larger than we fathomed,

Fires set free from the atom.

Long after our time here is done,

Earth will be burned by our sun.

Do we wish to soon expire?

Consumed already by some fire?


What blaze is set within us,

What inferno in our eye?

Must we always be thus,

Why do we do not try?


Fire, fire, burning clean,

Fire consuming what has been.

Fire will play out its part,

Fires we should never start.


Cliff Lake 8/7/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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