



She has held us to her bosom

And we have torn her in return.

She has fed us, she has watered us,

Now we watch her burn.

We have put the fire to her,

Set poisons in her flesh,

When she’s finally had enough

May be pretty soon I guess –


Sucking fluids out the ground,

When will the well run dry?

Watch the air turn oily brown,

Still, we wonder why.

Is your AC running

Did it break down again?

Are you broiling, not sunning,

Shovel more coal on that fire then!


What will you do when the big storms roar?

Where will you go as the oceans pour?

It’s far too late to close the barn door,

Mother isn’t gonna take it anymore.


Tear yet another mountain down,

Spray all the fields with poison gas!

Let the pollinators be drowned,

Eat those corn chips and grow your ass.

Industrial waste and fracking pools,

There’s money to be made real quick,

For faster cars and bigger tools,

What will you breathe when the air’s too thick?


What will you do when the big storms roar?

Where will you go as the oceans pour?

It’s far too late to close the barn door,

Mother isn’t gonna take it anymore.


Cliff Lake 8/6/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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