Sweet Affliction


Sweet Affliction


Life can be a poor excuse for existence.

But we continue without much resistance.

Climbing and falling in the same direction.

Never a moment for reflection.


Counting all the value you are given,

Never counting all the time you’ve been driven:

Understand that this is an infliction,

Money is the sweetest addiction.


Buy a dream with an idea,

Arbitrary value unclear.

Now’s the time to get in gear,

Before you can’t get there from here.


Buy a dream, there’s no contradiction,

Just a concept, an immersive fiction.

Watch us line up without conscription –

Money is the heaviest addiction.


Buy a dream with an idea,

Arbitrary value unclear.

Now’s the time to get in gear,

Before you can’t get there from here.


Where is it you think you’re going?

Can’t get there without some coin.

Want to eat? Or gird your loins?

This scheme has got you by the groin.


Buy a dream with an idea,

Arbitrary value unclear.

Now’s the time to get in gear,

Before you can’t get there from here.


Understand that this is an infliction,

Money is the sweetest addiction.

Watch us line up without conscription –

Money is the sweetest affliction.


Cliff Lake 7/28/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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