Four Months


Four Months


In broad daylight darkness has been cast,

Old evil again obscures the light.

Facing demons we thought were past,

What hero comes to defend our plight?

Mortal man, his hand itching with greed,

Calls forth again perdition,

Advancing desire before need,

A destructive fire's ignition.

And what of our lauded Fourth Estate?

Once helping to hold power in check,

Away from taxation hoping to skate,

They have allowed the boot to press our neck.

Four short months we have to us,

No time have we to mourn!

Four months to defeat treasonous,

Four months left to forewarn!

This darkness must not be an end,

But rather it must be the call:

Liberty is ours to defend,

Heed the call! Now is your hour!

Join together, now is the time!

As one - to beat dark design,

We can overcome this crime!

Champions all, we’ll hold the line!

A defense requiring one and all!

Freedom has been our birthright!

No one man should hold such power!

Get to work, get in the fight!


Cliff Lake 7/2/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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