An Experiment


An Experiment


The organisms are flourishing,

Organisms are consumptive and prolific,

Though less than conservative of their space.

Organisms given simple instructions for resource conservation and management.

Organisms have not deterred from apparent destructive tendencies –

New instruction has been provided in accordance with areal maturity.

Destructive processes accelerated.

The organisms have responded by increasing their proliferation –

This has resulted in greatly increased resource consumption.

The organisms have attempted resource management.

Overmanaging techniques have increased resource damage in other areas –

Organisms have intruded sectionally often decimating populations in resource raids,

This is contrary to instruction sets given.

Investigation reveals instructions are generally misinterpreted,

Causation revealed to be resource overaccumulation by organism subsets, often singular organisms.

Organism sectional intrusions have become highly organized and efficient.

Resource decimation at highest rates recorded.

Organism proliferation showing signs of taxing systems beyond capacity.

Organisms expected to extinguish own populations before systems degradation completed.

Built-in self-repair mechanisms expected to work as designed to restore environment.

Experiment concluded.


Cliff Lake 7/3/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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