The Whispering


The Whispering


The traitor sits whispering.

Alone is his cell,

A day from death,

He whispers.

The old tale:


Clandestine meetings,




The arrangements made,

The design enacted,

The method performed.

Trusted ministers betraying,

The compact completed.

A king lying in state,

A cabal cementing control.

And among them,

The traitor.

He who would inform.

A loyalist to the court,

Conscripted by the schemers,

And found wanting.

His death is assured.

In his cell,

He whispers.


He gives their names.

The usurpers are named.

The conspiracy as yet incomplete,

The plot revealed,

The unravelling told.



The traitor sits whispering.

My term is done in days.

His tale will be heard.


Cliff Lake 6/23/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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