



An old poison prepared,

The conjurer makes her way to court,

In nobody’s pay she,

But havoc is required.


The thing she requires to enter

Must have disarray

If it is to abide here long enough.

Just long enough.


Who holds thrall here,

Is a question she dares not ask,

But studies the means of containment,

And the ritual of banishment.


Dark dreams, dark dreams of late,

Too often she wakens paralyzed and sightless,

Save for the eyes and an unseen smile.

She knows there are teeth…


Now the sorceress will begin a chaos,

A release of blood and mayhem,

That a thing may come,

And grant her power undeserved.


Too long has she served,

Now she will be served,

Feared and tendered with all she could wish,

And none will gainsay.


Now has she gained entry,

Seeress and confidante.

The preparation pours for all,

Its praises sung by her in advance.


Now are goblets raised,

Each apportioned, including her own,

And now the king declares a boon:

“You first, faithful counsel… you first…”


Cliff Lake 6/17/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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