



What cloak hides you?

Have you blended in?

Is invisibility more comfortable

Than exposure with all those faults human?

Is the appearance of the norm

The face you wear?

Have you found safety and succor in anonymity?

Are you not someone?

Or are you more content within the herd?

Why not stand out?

Why not be that unique yourself?

What can you bring to bear

Not possessed by any you know?

Have you an identity inseparable from the crowd?

Who are you then,

If you are not like everyone else?

Is being accepted what you seek?

Or is it merely acceptable?

What mark have you made,

Or do you fade into the mass,

Part and parcel to a whole

That decides for you

Whom you are to be?

In that manner

Is it easier to evade responsibility,

And avoid consequence,

Or do you simply find your ease knowing

That you need not think for yourself.

Have you fit in?

Do you fit in?

Are you yourself?


Cliff Lake 6/23/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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