Law and Disorder


Law and Disorder


They assemble outside the bench,

These carrion crows eager,

Squawking their ugly cries,

In service to the vulture silenced,

Who would have them,

At the next meal.

Once they proudly stood,

Behind shield and service,

And honor bound in blue…

Now they believe in the law,

That is unto themselves,

And may be discarded at need.

Mouthing argument contrary to evidence,

Alleging ideas unsupported by statute,

Must we trust these yet,

To legislate in good faith?

These servile,

Underlings to a base delinquent,

These are to establish just rule?

They are an oxymoron in practice.

They reveal their desire:

Lawless authority,

Reckless domination,


So, they defend the brute,

That they wish they could be.

Cowards all.

They speak against the laws,

Their party once praised before all else,

And become transparent,

Easily seen,

No more smoke,

Just the mirrors,

That reflect their duplicity.

They assemble outside the hall of justice,

Because they have no business inside,

For they defend criminality.

They sidestep order,

And become culpable.

They call themselves lawmakers…

I call bullshit.


Cliff Lake 5/15/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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