The Three Toe Stumble


The Three Toe Stumble


Here comes Marge, motion in hand,

No real support, but she will grandstand.

They once followed but now they bail,

Poor widdle Marjorie, doomed to fail.


Hear her yellin’ about space lasers,

She ain’t satisfied with Texas razors.

She hates it when you’re behind Ukraine,

She won’t be happy until nuclear rain.


Marjorie, Marjorie, talk that jumble!

Marjorie, don’t you see, you should be humble!

Marjorie, all your plans do crumble,

You’re tryin’ to dance, but you Three-Toe Stumble!


Now which amendment do we throw out?

The ones you want just make me doubt,

That you have any clue what you talk about,

And face it Marge, you got no clout.


Marjorie will bitch, whine, and scream,

Cuz she can’t further Putin’s scheme.

She says Johnson’s on the street,

Marjorie, just accept defeat!


Marjorie, Marjorie, talk that jumble!

Marjorie, don’t you see, you should be humble!

Marjorie, all your plans do crumble,

You’re tryin’ to dance, but you Three-Toe Stumble!



You put your right foot in,

Then you step on it.

You put your left foot in,

But it won’t fit.

You wave your arms around,

And then you scream and pout,

That’s what it’s all about!


Marjorie, Marjorie, talk that jumble!

Marjorie, don’t you see, you should be humble!

Marjorie, all your plans do crumble,

You’re tryin’ to dance, but you Three-Toe Stumble!


Cliff Lake 4/21/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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