



Hush my child, still your fear,

Nothing evil may come near.

What saves us from corruption’s thrall?

The Hinder Mountains standing tall!


See them standing in their might,

They do more than just block light,

For over them strange things do dwell,

Over them are creatures fell.


There men ride on wicked steeds,

On their way to wicked deeds.

And worship gods we do not know,

And practice craft for all men’s woe.


Their women witches, making spells,

To cast unwary to certain hells.

Their hounds you also should not meet,

With slavered jaw and razored feet.


Monsters there are of frightening size,

With poison claws and glaring eyes.

Such things would surely bring our loss,

But the Hinder Mountains they cannot cross.


Many men have climbed those peaks,

They bore witness of what I speak.

Vicious tribes that live down there,

Less like men and more like bear.


Hairy beastlike creatures they,

What more they are I will not say.

Save that their morals are remiss,

They do not speak but only hiss.


They carry clubs and sharpened spear,

And poison darts within their gear.

And if they could they would make war,

Or even worse could be in store.


But here we lie both safe and warm,

A wall we have keeps us from harm.

No hurt upon us will fall,

We have our Hinder Mountains tall!


And now dear child, I end the tale,

Know that the mountains will not fail!

No scare shall find you in the night,

So sleep my child, rest now, sleep tight!


Cliff Lake 4/4/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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