Share Shear


Share Shear


My compliments, you bought the dream.

Paid up front to join the team.

But things are quickly losing steam,

Gosh! It’s just another money scheme!


Your money’s better stuffed in a sock,

Or buy magic beans and climb their stalk,

Than for you to take some stock,

Guaranteed a falling rock.


Didja buy some pump and dump?

Didja fund someone’s economic slump?

Didja take it in the rump?

Does the mirror show you a chump?


Did you think you would get rich quick?

Are you looking for the uptick?

Did you try to float a brick?

Does this swine need more lipstick?


Maybe you are smarter than me.

Maybe profit eventually.

Maybe you will dance with glee,

And maybe pigs will fly carefree.


Didja buy some pump and dump?

Didja fund someone’s economic slump?

Didja take it in the rump?

Does the mirror show you a chump?


Cliff Lake 4/2/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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