



I remember that one time,

That time long ago.

But the memory is in black and white,

Full of people I no longer know.

Memories of sunshine,

And the memory of rain.

And the memories of places

I can never go back again.


How is time like a river,

If you cannot fish from one place?

What does time really deliver,

And what does it erase?


Where is the person you were yesterday?

Have you discarded them so?

Have you kept nothing of what you were?

Have you really let them go?


I remember that one time,

That time long ago.

But the memory is in black and white,

Full of places I no longer go.

Memories of sunshine,

And the memory of rain.

And the memories of people

I may never go back again.


How many relationships were riven,

Have they disappeared with no trace?

How many slights were forgiven,

Are their brand carved in your face?


How has time handled you,

How have you managed your time?

How has life scandaled you,

Have you survived the climb?


I remember that one time,

That time long ago.

But the memory is in black and white,

Full of places I no longer know.

Memories of sunshine,

And the memory of rain.

And the memories of things undone,

Why can’t I go back again?


Cliff Lake 4/11/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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