Pichers of You


Pichers of You


And have you answered me with a meme?

Your misability exposed.

Your tacit admission.

You must not think on your own.

You must not think.

Let another,

And retreat into the stupor.

Let another,

Four words at a time.


Whose words,

Do you have on repeat?

Whose words,

Are indelible now?

Whose words,

Are your mindless mantra?

Will you let another,

Speak your mind,

Or are you speaking theirs?

Do you know any longer?

Let another,

Four words at a time.


Thinking is hard,

Moreso when you refuse,

And the catchphrase is both hilarious,

And hurtful.

Why decide between what is right,

And what is instant?

Mindlessness is comfortable,

And pichers are easy.

Easy is fun,

And fun is better than thinking.

Let another,

Four words at a time.


Do you find facts,

Impossible to refute?

Logic is too hard,

And critical thinking,

Involves thinking.

Someone else can do that,

And make the picher funny, too.

And then you just click.


Like you.

Stay simple,

And do as you’re told.

Like the pichers tell.

No decisions to make,

No thinking at all.

Let another,

Four words at a time.


Cliff Lake 4/16/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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