They ride back from the field,
These victors.
The battle costly,
Yet won and over.
The war ended,
The foe vanquished,
The price paid,
Their people freed.
They ride to their homes,
Warriors and victors,
Heroes perhaps to some,
Weary soldiers in heart.
Peace is before them,
And hard work,
The restoration of their land,
And the healing of their spirit.
They will rest now,
They will be paraded,
They will be toasted,
They will be medaled,
They will be sung,
They will count the scars they have won,
They will dream of the screams of the slain.
Still, the war is done,
The war is won,
They have survived,
And they may rest,
These victorious,
The remainder of the fielded force,
They may rest.
Both of them have earned their rest.
Glory to the victors.
Cliff Lake 3/22/2024
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