Our Stand


Our Stand


And how do we sit idly by,

Waiting for the system,

To readjust to actual equality?

How do we watch the law fail fully,

And always on the side

Of the corporate entity?

We don’t want to.

We don’t have to.

It’s time to stand up, brother.

It’s time to get up, sister.

Because we don’t have to stand for it.


The ivory towers

Are full of the decay

Of the dream enshrined,

Then bought and sold,

By the least thoughtful among us.

Jackals they are,

Feeding on spoils,

We make for them,

Leaving bare bone,

We quarrel over among ourselves,

While they grow fat,

Never knowing they are the disease,

Spoiling the garden

We are all dying in.



See them as the crime,

And the criminals they are!

The canker on the side of the billions,

Crying of their hunger,

Their desire of peace and plenty,

Withheld by those who will not share,

What they have too much of,

And do not appreciate.

We are the billions.

What will they do,

If they are overrun?

What can they do,

If we stand as one body,

One force,

One mind?

Will you stand?

We must stand,

Or continue to fall.



We must stand!


Cliff Lake 3/25/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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