What is the Matter?


What is the Matter?


What small matter is before us?

“Democracy” so many may answer,

But they are wrong.

The mere matter before us is choice.

That we may choose democracy.


The paltry matter before us is choice.

That we may choose bodily autonomy.

The meager matter before us is choice.

That we may choose our own religion,

Or even choose none.

Not choosing for everyone, no,

Choosing for ourselves,

Each one,

On their own,


The narrow matter before us is choice.

There are those who would choose for us.

Would choose in spite of us.

Would choose against us,

And would do so at the merest whispered whim.

They name doing so “Freedom”

And wrap it in a flag,

And hang that off a cross,

And shove both down our throats,

And call it freedom because…

Because they have taken for themselves

The freedom to do those things,

And we must choose -


The choice to say no.

The choice to be,

And to let others be,

Unless they would be

Choosing to take our choices from us.

The minor matter before us is freedom.

Actual freedom.

Real freedom.

The freedom to choose.

We must choose well.

Or choices will be made for us.


Cliff Lake 1/10/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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