Demon Man

Demon Man


What is this thing?

How has it acquired so much?

Or has it lost more?

Its plots are not so devious

As it would have you think,

“More” is the mantra

That suffuses its every intention.

When considering its movement,

That is the aforethought.

Here is a riddle:

What boon is a legacy to the dead man?

Yet this thing and its like

Are so very concerned

With might be said after.

Thus, it has made its likeness

Too widely available,

That some remnant might survive an age

And in future

Puzzle some discoverer

Who might believe

We once had found it worshipful.

A dream composed of dust.

Here is the trap:

Erasing the memory of the tyrant

Leaves the future exposed

To another of its kind,

So we must preserve its tradition

To serve as warning

To a recalcitrant future,

Who may choose servitude

Out of fear,

Or ignorance of consequence.

What is this thing?

What abuses will we tolerate yet?

How has it replicated

In so many places

Scourging so many peoples?

It cannot be human.



Tell me it is not actually human…


Cliff Lake 1/19/2024

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2024


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