Two Dreams


Two Dreams


I happened to meet a Master

Napping along the way.

“I have some things to ask, sir.”

To this he made no say.


Then I pestered him with questions,

That I long had thought upon.

But there was no suggestion,

Of any he would dwell on.


I asked him the hardest riddles,

I had chanced on through my years,

But he made me no committal,

Nor gave notice he would hear.


Then I began to notice,

Though with much chagrin,

That with the smallest focus,

I found answers from within.


Slowly he began to stir,

As if he would now speak.

I thought his wrath I did incur,

By way of queried cheek.


But he merely looked at me,

And set me to this task:

“You’ve showered me in fools debris –

What would you really ask?”


He looked full on with blazing eye,

My breath caught in my throat.

But soon my words were raising high,

I said this, and I quote:


“What are we to make of Life,

It seems to have no scheme.

Caught between both ease and strife,

Like some madman’s dream.”


He gave a look sharp as a knife,

Then he turned away.

“Perhaps we only dream a life.”

And more he would not say.


I left him where he sat then,

Pondering his theme.

And though I do not see the end,

I will live out my own dream.


Cliff Lake 12/26/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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