The Unbinding


The Unbinding


The thing that is not a thing –

For it cannot be, not in this world,

Not in this life.

It cannot be there…

There it is.


Here it is.


Do not ask why this is.

It is.

A not-thing

Emerging from the depths

That now also exist

Though a moment prior

This was only abandoned property

Possessed of simple rumor

And crumbling foundation.


Now is an incomprehensible term –

The gulf and it’s uninhabitant

Spread before you

Surrounding and permeating,

Swallowing and absorbed.

An incursion,

An infringement,

The unholy intrusion,

A trespass.

And violation.


The book forbidden,

A relic sought,

Or a call satisfied,

Falls from the hand

It’s reek no less stinging,

It’s feel no less viscous,

As if it’s form

Now embeds the skin,

And you are one.


What has been unleashed?

What imperfect containment

Can recapture?

What heroic salvation

Is to be performed

By anyone less tainted?

Or do these thoughts

Mean nothing

In the face of the consumption

You are about to experience?


The inevitable turn,

The cycle unwound,

The Aeon closed,

A new age begun,

Or just a stupid mistake

Of an initiate

To things better left lost?


Time stretches infinite,

And the horror and the terror

Become endless and all-consuming.


You begin to fear

That your consciousness

Will remain intact…


Cliff Lake 8/19/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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