The Marks They Left

The Marks They Left


The shit on the walls.

They smeared shit on the walls.


That’s what I can’t forget.

That’s what I can’t forgive.

And that is what I can’t identify with.


These creatures call themselves “patriots.”

I can’t even call them human.

They were nothing more than a ravenous force,

That didn’t know what it was hungry for.


And the defendant knew that of them.

He knows that of them now.

He gathers them to him,

An army of vermin, diseased and putrid.

This is why they love him.

He makes them feel like they belong.

Yet deep down they are aware,

That they don’t belong.

That they have been cast away,

Because they smear shit on the walls.


They have attached themselves

To someone that respects nothing,

Just as they respect nothing.


Even animals walk away from their excrement,

Yet these play in it.

It is a part of them,

So, they spread it where they will,

To leave their scent behind.


They are the shit on the walls.

They identify themselves.

Just some shit best left behind.

The shit on the walls.


The cleanup has begun.


Cliff Lake 8/2/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


GoldCanyonCrow said…
Wow, you convey the depravity and lunacy of Trump Maga-Maniacs. powerful poetry!

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