Blinded Bargains


Blinded Bargains


“Do your own research!”

She screams for the TV.

While she Breitbarts her

Boner garage for everyone to see.


“Hunter Biden! Joe’s a briber!”

“They’ve weaponized the law!”

In the meantime, blinding herself

To the criming we all saw.


She can’t stop with the conspiracies,

And the rumors that are spread,

There aren’t enough hammers

To get the facts into her head.


So, she totters along asleep,

And her mind so deeply broke,

Cuz she couldn’t have been so fucking wrong,

And she doesn’t want to be woke.


And the pastor screams about the demons seen,

And how rainbows have gone bad.

And he passes the plate and they celebrate,

While they’re all of them being had.


They cannot see and they cannot hear

Anything outside of their chamber.

And if by accident they do,

It’s so easy to disremember.


So, they hand their money over

Because they’re never going to learn.

But to them it doesn’t matter,

As long as they can watch things burn.


They cannot grasp the fact

That what’s been kept from they

Has been kept by the very persons

They are sworn to obey.


So they watch the private jets

And wait for them to land.

To slobber over the owners

And press more cash into their hand.


They wish to be just like them:

Cruel and cold and distant.

And fleece the even stupider

With logic inconsistent.


“It’s all a game!” they like to claim

While at the same time losing.

Still they remain while wearing chain

In the frame of their own choosing.


And they march along to borrowed song

And swear to some kind of vengeance.

In their shrinking throng, believe they’re wronged

Though just how they’ve no remembrance.


Thus history repeats again,

And somehow we’ll muddle through.

Stay the course, they’ll be unhorsed

And no longer trouble you.


Cliff Lake 8/25/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake


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