American Taliban

American Taliban


Only their beliefs, their Christian right,

Exalting themselves to imperious height,

Dressed in red and they are oh so white.

Grooming your children while they can,

The American Taliban.


Desiring minority rule,

They want preyers in school,

As over 2A they drool,

Their intentions cruel.


Only these beliefs, these Christians, right?

Exalted in their desire to smite.

Each taking the title of Jesus’ knight,

Only the self-righteous in their Klan:

The American Taliban.


These Bible misquote fools,

Ignorance their tool,

For prejudice to fuel,

And it just ain’t cool.


I can’t believe this Christian Right,

Still exalting the might of white.

Still enacting their every spite,

Un-Christ-like hatred they continue to fan,

The American Taliban.


Cliff Lake 8/27/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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