Unclean Thumb


Unclean Thumb


How did a strange wind

Through the West Wing blow?

What secret servant

Discovered the July snow?

A momentary packet of trouble

Somehow delivered to Joe,

Another burger made of nothing,

A MAGAflop again – but on with the show,

When, oh when will they ever know:



Continually we must advise:

They keep voting for their own demise.

Four little letters can make them wise,



Wearing just the right outrageous clothes,

Disinformation like a firehose,

Not watching the defendant decompose

And the little thing Junior does with his nose,

Never learning anything,

They’d rather just suppose

That they’re always Bible-backed,

And anything goes…

When, oh when will they stop being surprised,



Continually we must advise:

They keep voting for their own demise.

Four little letters can make them wise,



Now some have moved on

To the Florida Man,

Who Fascions everything his way

As fast as he can.

Selling himself as

The Ultraright Superman,

To make himself

The new Top Slop is the plan,

This guy and the minions better open their eyes:

Because ETTD.


Continually we must advise:

They keep voting for their own demise.

Four little letters can make them wise,



Cliff Lake 7/8/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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