The Friendly MAGAt


The Friendly MAGAt


“Libtard,” he’d said by way of introduction,

Then adding a laugh emoji,

To assure me he’d scored points,

But was still friendly.

He presented his main argument:

The picture of the smiling fat man,

In the “Fuck Biden” tee shirt was compelling.

There were three more laugh emojis.

Clearly an even friendlier gesture.

My supporting arguments,

Cogent, cohesive, and conclusive,

Were countered with a reference

To female genitalia,

That was surely meant to convince me

Of his superior schoolyard skillset,

And accompanied

with yet more laugh emojis

To cement our growing camaraderie.

Before I could reply

to such devastating riposte,

I was presented with information

Informing me of my recruitment

To the Democrats fascist regime,

Followed by a declaration

That I will be outed as “Antifa.”

I assembled then

the required documents

That detailed that one could not be both,

But was met with only

“TRUMP 2024!!!”

And five more laugh emojis

To assure me of his commitment

To our mutual respect.

I made to reply but…

The Friendly MAGAt had blocked me.

C’est la vie.


Cliff Lake 7/14/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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