Corrections: Ode to Shaye and Lady Ruby


Corrections: Ode to Shaye and Lady Ruby


They are light-sensitive, these charlatans,

Operating from shadow,

Eager to conceal labors grisly,


Gargantuan in their malevolence,

And titillated to an audience cruel,

As the misdeeds of a rival.


They would champion the desecrations

They celebrate in private banquet.

They would herald their cruelty as boon.

They would espouse their atrocities

As recompense for the infractions

They assign to their detractors,

But practiced by themselves behind the veils of piety

They shout in the streets.


They make bewilderments

In session they call

For just that purpose,

Smokes and smogs to conceal their rot:

Confusions manufactured from vapors.

They will not abide the pierce of daybreak,

Illuminations breaking through the mists,

They weave about themselves as concealment

From accusations they can no longer evade.


Too strident become their calls.

Too often their obscurements fade.

Too long they stand

Behind bulwarks of clouded argument,

Convolutions unwound by hard fact.


They are light-sensitive, these charlatans.

The darkness bleeds away

And they stand exposed,

Purveyors and practitioners of depravities,


And decadence of every sort.

It is past time corrections are made.


Cliff Lake 7/26/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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