We Children

We Children


As children we were,

Naked beneath the canopied jungle,

Hungry-eyed on the open plain,

Searching for we knew not what.

As children we learned,

Mastering flame and field,

We grew to be many,

And named ourselves lord.

As children we ruled,

Administering beast and crop,

And mostly, each other.

Hard-eyed in our tribes,

Searching for more than any other.

As children we warred,

Armored in front of the other,

Angry-eyed in the formations,

Searching for the advantage over the others.

As children we are,

Naked in our continued, expanding ignorance,

Sad-eyed in the spiraling entropy,

Searching for the way forward.

As children we should be,

Nakedly celebrating the world,

Open-eyed and accepting,

Searching for the joy found in all beings.

We are yet children,

We forget that too often.


Cliff Lake 6/12/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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