The Infinite Alone


The Infinite Alone


We make our noises on this blue ball,

Heard only by ourselves.

The great silence surrounds.

How are we alone?

Why are we alone?


What malevolence writhes between the stars forgotten?

What negation waits infinitely?

What absence of creation abides?


Energies of galactic magnitude collide,



Unknown forces unleash.


Thus it gains entry,

It is consumption,

And no more than that.


Predation requires but one impetus:


What survives in the blank places outside galaxies?

Do you know?

Can you know?


Have you heard from the stars?

Have you not wondered at the great silence?

We have called out.

We get no answer.


What cultures may have been?

What empires lost?

Were they also alone?


What nullity awaits?

Will certain alignments allow it?

How would we know?

How could we know?


What rests in the wide places between stars?

When we find out,

Will it be too late?


Cliff Lake 5/1/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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