The High Ones


The High Ones


Grinning ghouls that perch

High atop Manhattan avenues.

Pinching young bottoms paid for.

Looking down from sheltered balcony,

Looking down on you.

Expanding waistbands,

Pockmarks stretched,

Livers corroding,

Bank accounts untapped,

Looking for more from you.

Coiffures the size of your paycheck,

Autos that could cost you your house,

Clothing worn once and cast away,

Vacations you’ll never see,

Keeping it away from you.

Officials selling your freedoms,

Lapping up crumbs as allowed,

Watching the blood of children dry,

As they discard soldiers come home,

With never a thought of you.

Monsters created from your sweat,

Collecting well more than their due.

Nepo-babies and outright thieves

Feeding as parasites from their towers,

And looking down on you.


Cliff Lake 5/17/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023


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