The Golem


The Golem


The charlatans assemble,

To manufacture the fiction,

They are generously paid for.

Gathered in the Great Hall,

To choose among them a chief,

Dissension arises within the factions,

For they will not be led.

Now they take from among them,

Their greeds and corrupt passions,

And construct themselves a Creature,

To stand in as prop and sham,

To issue decree and edict,

Given to him in secret,

To be spoken by his mouth,

That he no longer owns.

Thus then he is given,

The Symbol of Authority,

And title attached to him,

That means less to those under him,

Than a wind in an empty place.

For he is raised up as lofty,

Thought it be widely known,

He is cast down with only a word.

So, they stand him before them,

Dictating their empty schemes,

Making hollow noises,

To cover their malingering,

As they shirk the duties,

They accepted in bad faith.

This shallow Creature,

Is now presented to us,

And we are asked to countenance,

Its barren pronouncements,

In place of the needful solutions,

Withheld from us by those,

Who would have us believe they are mighty.

It is in this hour,

That we deny the simulacrum,

And gather our strength,

That our resolve be known,

To reclaim the constancy,

And uphold a republic,

We have always deserved.

In this moment we suffer,

This falsity and display,

But the future stands before us,

And we are the steadfast.


Cliff Lake 4/25/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023







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