The Dawning


The Dawning


Hello there red hat, is the light shining in your eyes?

Are you beginning to see how you numbers are falling,

Is there anything you’d like to revise?

What will you do if good old Jack should come calling,

Will you then your involvement minimize?



Hey there Putin’s cheerleaders, are things not going to plan?

Where will you drink now from hatred’s springs,

Are there no programs left now for klub and klan?

Who will now say all your despicable things,

Now that they’ve shitcanned the bowtie man?


Hey there Bible thumper, misbegotten all-trumper,

How long will you let yourself be played?

You think you’re some kind of Antifa jumper,

In the end you’re always betrayed,

And your idol throws you back in the dumper.


Cliff Lake 4/26/2023

Copyright (C) Clifford Lake 2023


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