Because the World


Because the World


The old man did not smile.

The children begged him for stories,

That he gladly gave.

The street dogs begged him for food,

Which he did not hold back.

The cats too were fed,

And at times took his lap.

But the old man did not smile.

I asked him why and he said,

“Because the world is broken.”


He stared into the distance then,

I could not see the things,

That took his joy.

But I remembered the words.

I noticed his clothes,

Clean, not old.

Good shoes he had,

Money to feed the strays,

Those on four legs,

Those on two,

Or sometimes less.

I asked him if he wanted for anything,

And he said,

“The world is broken.”


He stared into the ground then,

But I could not see,

Where his heart was buried.

I left him then,

As the children gathered,

And the cats watched.

I got home and

The television shouted,

Too many things, too bloody,

Or too callous.

Unjust wars,

Suppression of entire populations,

Or of a sex,

Or a sexual preference.

Mean spirits grabbing power,

Out of immense greed,

Or simple cowardice.

I saw myself as I passed a mirror,

And I could not smile.

Because the world…


Cliff Lake 4/7/2023

Copyright © Clifford Lake 2023








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